07 Sleep-wake disorders
Foundation URI: http://id.who.int/icd/entity/274880002
Sleep-wake disorders are characterised by difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep (insomnia disorders), excessive sleepiness (hypersomnolence disorders), respiratory disturbance during sleep (sleep-related breathing disorders), disorders of the sleep-wake schedule (circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders), abnormal movements during sleep (sleep-related movement disorders), or problematic behavioural or physiological events that occur while falling asleep, during sleep, or upon arousal from sleep (parasomnia disorders).
Hypersomnolence disorders
Foundation URI: http://id.who.int/icd/entity/2024456840
Hypersomnolence disorders are characterised by a complaint of daytime sleepiness that is not due to another sleep-wake disorder (e.g. disturbed nocturnal sleep, misaligned circadian rhythm, or breathing disorder). Individuals with excessive sleepiness may show irritability, concentration and attention deficits, reduced vigilance, distractibility, reduced motivation, anergia, dysphoria, fatigue, restlessness, and lack of coordination.